Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

May 28, 2010

Every Friday I point you to some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. Here’s a very funny post by Bill Maher in The Huffington Post about why we need to start carding all Republicans.

2. Also in the realm of political satire, here’s a great post by my new colleague Andrew Cohen at on what would happen if the Supreme Court justices started using Twitter.

3. I was very moved by this reflection over on Big Little Wolf’s Daily Plate of Crazy about what happens when your kids grow up and travel alone.

4. Also moving is this essay by Ingrid Maitland in the New York Time’s Modern Love column about adoption. Warning: it has a surprise ending.

5. Finally, for the writers out there I wanted to plug these two fantastic resources for writers: C. Hope Clark’s Funds For Writers as well as Erika Dreifus’ Practicing Writing blog. Be sure to subscribe to their *free* newsletters, chock full of inspiration, tips and job listings.

And please do follow me on Twitter!

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